August 21 & 26 - September 2, 2000

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Stills from Joe's camcorder:

Jeff, Mark, Lora, and Michael
Michael's Groover
Better eat your Wheaties
Michael flexes
 for the camera
The boats on the left are 18 feet long.
Looking down from a
hike.  Way down.
Just hanging out

Kasia rowing, with Kathleen, Dawna and H
The South African 
shows off her rowing

Kasia (Jimmy in background)
All smiles

Mike and Mark playing the balance game (Steve, Mel, and Traci in background)
Sorry Dad, you lose.

Lora, Kat, Kevin (and maybe Thomas Patrick and Steve?)
Dinner preparation

Lora and Thomas Patrick
Pre-dinner music

Lora plays a little music
in the brush