August 21 & 26 - September 2, 2000
(as compiled by H) H's
daily Haiku (starting on Day 4, one a day, that’s all we ask) Day 4
(Saddle canyon?) last
night's dinner knocks Day 5
(mile 66.5 aka 2 rattlers, aka uncle Espejo?) large
rapids beckon rock
remains still, calm Day 6
(cremation) a sight
to behold Day 7
(?) entropy
whispers Day 8 (blacktail?) i
breathe liquid air Day 9 (Tapeats
creek) i
followed a path Day 10
(mile 149 aka mat cat amoeba hotel?) clear
skies bring the rain Day 11
(?) harmony
placates Day 12
(mile 220) eat,
drink, sleep, paddle Day 13
(take out) leaving
paradise Heard
in the Haiku hangout (Day 12 mile 220) It was quite a night as you'll
see... Thomas
Patrick (our most
prolific haikuer) morning
reels and jigs take it
all, sit down talking
to myself you
just never know watching
the morning tossing
and turning where
does the time go over-hydrated you get
one phone call water
is music never
seen that, nope we
travel alone rowin
in oarboat Traci/Kasia
(tag-team haiku, giggling optional) rainstorm
after dark traci
on the throne leaving
havasu vulcan
rapid roars bongos
on my butt wild,
roaring rapids grains
of sand in tents bite my
lower lip red
walls rising high big
horn sheep starboard (alternate
ending: raging rapids bow - editors note: what's up with that...just
pick one and end it already)
traci (day 7) Dawna stars
shine bright above sleeping
under stars water
slide of rock timeless
existence Bob
Parker with
AzRa boat folks spring
and falls age man Sarah canyon
keeps secrets my
heart beat echoes blue
heron takes flight Kat
Mac a
canyon clear night this
beach is hoppin' bonding
with my dad Mark woke up
with calves sore one
final haiku Others guys,
we are so fucked snake
in the bushes wisdom
of our lives morning
rise and stretch what a
day it was (editors
note: I count nine in this one...another anal retentive suggestion:
sunshine, wind, and naked swim...although I do like the word
"wicked"...we'll have to think on this one) ghost
boat in eddy early
morning light ruby or
river sunny
and blue skies goin'
to par'dise Haikus
shared on other days Mel
P brought
forth in redness wake me
up river Michael
C. we raft
the Grand Canyon minstrels
three are we unlucky
thirteen BJ canyon
riva (sic) trip canyon
river trip Ann
Marie (great final day
entries) gorilla
sunrise ancient
wisdom speaks bumpy
bouncy bus Jessica
(again, great final day entries from a first halfer...) the
perfect haiku the key
to be happy Thomas
Patrick melody
maker jimmy
took a ride (editor’s
note: these two cry out to be song lyrics...) Patrick today
we are here Post-Trip Haikus back to
work, depressed the
mighty canyon civilization |