August 21 & 26 - September 2, 2000

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HAIKU-O-RAMA (as compiled by H)
Additions/revisions will be made in the near future

H's daily Haiku (starting on Day 4, one a day, that’s all we ask)

Day 4 (Saddle canyon?)

last night's dinner knocks
i stumble to the groover
a deer licks my face

Day 5 (mile 66.5 aka 2 rattlers, aka uncle Espejo?)

large rapids beckon
a long, slow, meaningful stroke
wet with excitement

rock remains still, calm
water searches frantically
together as one

Day 6 (cremation)

a sight to behold
like a painting but alive
life imitates art

Day 7 (?)

entropy whispers
i yearn for peace and order
i break the third law

Day 8 (blacktail?)

i breathe liquid air
flaccid rim dwellers observe
voyeurs watch me live

Day 9 (Tapeats creek)

i followed a path
searching for ancient wisdom
they spoke in riddles

Day 10 (mile 149 aka mat cat amoeba hotel?)

clear skies bring the rain
savor the unexpected
hey, there's a beaver

Day 11 (?)

harmony placates
adversity penetrates
inner spirits shine

Day 12 (mile 220)

eat, drink, sleep, paddle
bare necessities indulge
hedonists abound

Day 13 (take out)

leaving paradise
teary goodbyes, paths diverge
still above crystal

Heard in the Haiku hangout (Day 12 mile 220) It was quite a night as you'll see...

Thomas Patrick (our most prolific haikuer)

morning reels and jigs
smiling, rested, wonderful
practice makes perfect

take it all, sit down
glory in the group effort
at haiku hangout

talking to myself
with one finger at a time
look, it's haiku man

you just never know
foundation begin to shift
could be the plywood

watching the morning
way on down where bacon burns
laughing through any pain

tossing and turning
a spider on my shoulder
wait, don't be afraid

where does the time go
all along the canyon floor
layered voices speak       (day 8)

I want to soak in the sun
down by the river           (day 8)

you get one phone call
you ever seen this before?
must be a boatman          (day 12)

water is music
soothing, transcending, sleep comes
river is my drug               (day 9)

never seen that, nope
purty damn interesting
you get one phone call     (day 9)

we travel alone
remember to breathe
self rescue this time

rowin in oarboat
canyon eclipsed by the steam
safer than boxcars

Traci/Kasia (tag-team haiku, giggling optional)

rainstorm after dark
tent cover a parachute
up, up, and away            traci (day 4)

traci on the throne
a rattler lurking behind
scream, wipe, run away        traci/kasia (day 4)

leaving havasu
pull underestimated
hey guys, we are fucked           traci (day 10)

vulcan rapid roars
answered by the thund'rous sky
the moons celebrate               traci (day 11)

bongos on my butt
as i am pulled to safety
where the hell's my boat?       traci (day 12)

wild, roaring rapids
our two faces clearing through
exhilirated                               kasia (day 5)

grains of sand in tents
and in mouth, in nose, in hair
drowning us in waves             kasia (day 5)

bite my lower lip
preparing for the big one
line up, drop in, whee!            traci (day 6)

red walls rising high
reachin boulders to the sky
ragged edged splendor            traci (day 6)

big horn sheep starboard
agave plant to port side
beauty all around

(alternate ending: raging rapids bow - editors note: what's up with that...just pick one and end it already)      traci (day 7)


stars shine bright above
music of the night prevails
i sleep peacefully         (day 5)

sleeping under stars
Dawna, me and pig-sticker
watchful eye at night         (day 12 with guest haikuer, kasia)

water slide of rock
where i am swept off my feet
romantic canyon             (day 2 with guest haikuer Michael C.)

timeless existence
our watches have no meaning
one wonderful day          (day 12, again with guest haikuer Michael C. - fast becoming the "Captain and Tenille"of haiku)

Bob Parker

with AzRa boat folks
we get good food and bad jokes
let's all celebrate!

spring and falls age man
his trips and falls give him pain
views the falls - net gain


canyon keeps secrets
the great unconformity
lose a billion years              (day 7)

my heart beat echoes
canyon walls grow up to god
a work in progress               (day 7)

blue heron takes flight
chooses air over water
i remain grounded

Kat Mac

a canyon clear night
not wanting the day to end
crescent moon hangs light  (day 12)

this beach is hoppin'
toads of unusual size
kisses anyone?       (day 12 mile 194)

bonding with my dad
i saw his hairy white ass
thank god nothing more                    (by Kat Mac and Melanie PH, from Mark's
                                                       point of view)


woke up with calves sore
kat's my hero with one ore
i'm ready for more                            (day 8)

one final haiku
great people, great times, new friends
may we meet again                        (read at the Haiku Hangout)


guys, we are so fucked
shut up Mel, and let me think
rope, pull, climb, cut, swim              Melanie PH (day 10)

snake in the bushes
way more scared than I am
you spineless reptile                          Steve L.

wisdom of our lives
time does not stand still for us
participate - now                                Michael P.

morning rise and stretch
invigorating poses
Mel, how much longer?                      (author????)

what a day it was
sunshine, wicked wind, and naked swim (sic)
canyon memories..........................Kathy

(editors note: I count nine in this one...another anal retentive suggestion: sunshine, wind, and naked swim...although I do like the word "wicked"...we'll have to think on this one)

ghost boat in eddy
six bright faces drift and bob
lift them up, surprise                     Steve PH  (day 12)

early morning light
magic music fills the air
adventure unknown                       BJ (day 11)

ruby or river
happy anniversary
from canyon fam'ly.......................Lora

sunny and blue skies
lightening (sic) and thunder strikes
lava here we come..................Kathleen (day 11)

goin' to par'dise
surprisingly vigorous
naked, anyone?.....................(clearly a tribute haiku attributed in my journal to "the girls" day what-ever....)

Haikus shared on other days

Mel P

brought forth in redness
I'm a child of the river
frolic in her arms

wake me up river
big muddy ice water waves
better than coffee   (day 6)

Michael C.

we raft the Grand Canyon
the sun beats down upon us
the wave is my friend

minstrels three are we
music flows like the river
we rock the Grand Canyon   (day 8) (editor’s note: is this yours Mike?  I’m guessing by the handwriting)

unlucky thirteen
river runs on without us
but flows within us                (day 13)


canyon riva (sic) trip
brothers and sisters unite
hydrotherapy                         (day 8  blacktail)

canyon river trip
easy forward, look around
never long enough............. (day 13)

Ann Marie  (great final day entries)

gorilla sunrise
what a magical delight
canyon dreams arise............. (day 13)

ancient wisdom speaks
a new day is rising up
live in this moment                (day 13)

bumpy bouncy bus
down the riverbed we roll
serenity now                          (day 13)

Jessica  (again, great final day entries from a first halfer...)

the perfect haiku
reality has set in
beauty we've all seen          (day 13)

the key to be happy
enjoy life to it's fullest
friendship and beauty          (day 13)

Thomas Patrick

melody maker
sailin a kite on water
watch him fly away          (day 13)

jimmy took a ride
screaming chicago winds blow
fishin' pole in pack            (day 13)  

(editor’s note: these two cry out to be song lyrics...)


today we are here
admiring the grand beauty
may we remember            (day 4)

Post-Trip Haikus

back to work, depressed
dreaming of another life
i hate wearing pants            (Mark)

the mighty canyon
always in our memory
i miss the groover               (Patrick)

finger nails on a chalkboard
nature take me back          (Dawna)